Custom Query (1630 matches)


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Results (31 - 33 of 1630)

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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#613 worksforme get rid of ##sys#alias-global-hook felix winkelmann

Populating the initial environment for normal and compile-time evaluation would be a cleaner solution than using ##sys#alias-global-hook (probably), which does some rather ugly renaming because it has to figure out the correct identifier->symbol mapping (with/without a current-module, etc.).

#615 worksforme openssl dies after about a day Moritz Heidkamp

Keeping an openssl connection open for about one day leads to the error "SSL socket already closed" being thrown. Since it has no specific condition type it cannot be handled appropriately. The openssl egg should probably not handle this condition specifically anyway but try to write to the closed socket and just let the error raised by the tcp unit propagate.

#648 worksforme slatex is horribly broken under Chicken 4.7.0 sjamaan sjamaan

For some reason, SLaTeX produces bogus temporary preprocessed files. It *looks* like random snippets of previously generated files get inserted in files, indicating it may be a problem in the interleaved line1 and line2 variables it reads into.

Likely it's a bug in the egg or a Chicken bug triggered by the evil, horrible macrology that it uses (which is based on an unholy mix of stubs for syntax-case procedures and ER macros).

It worked in 4.6.0 though!

We'll have to understand what the hell this code is doing before we can even start to debug it. Yay for "portable" generated code :(

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