Custom Query (16 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1134 with-input-from-pipe should be rewritten so it does not block new enhancement not urgent at all someday
#1162 gethostbyname() is deprecated in favour of getaddrinfo() new enhancement minor someday
#1176 Support capturing multiple value type in `forall`, etc. new enhancement minor someday
#1128 stty termios struct, add feature test for speed attributes new Alex Shinn defect major someday
#1131 Kill ##sys#alias-global-hook with fire new defect major someday
#1141 hyde: execute permissions on hyde executable assigned Moritz Heidkamp defect major someday
#1145 Issue with matchable and the module system assigned sjamaan defect major someday
#1147 sendfile 1.7.29 feature test should fail on OpenBSD but passes new certainty defect major someday
#1148 Fix setup-helper usage in eggs new defect minor someday
#1155 values and the scrutinizer new defect not urgent at all someday
#1165 redis relies on GNU make, which is not the default make on BSDs new 0xab defect major someday
#1168 make install: umask problem with modules.db new defect major someday
#1180 parley seems to insert the same sexpression to the reader again when getting input while sleeping new Christian Kellermann defect major someday
#1204 chicken-install permissions with executables new defect major someday
#1217 Unit Posix time/date behaviors differ across operating systems new defect major someday
#1233 hexgrid: test failure new estevo defect minor someday
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.