Custom Query (5 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1553 sqlite3: The PREPARE procedure does not make it clear when it has and has not parsed a statement from a string. new enhancement major someday
#1792 Some eggs install into system /share and /bin (even when CHICKEN_INSTALL_REPOSITORY is set); this fails when the directory is RO new defect major someday
#1291 lowdown: markdown->sxml produces unnormalised SXML assigned Moritz Heidkamp defect major someday
#1335 Building on OS X: egg uses 1 deprecated function and 1 missing function assigned Thomas Chust defect major someday
#1353 posix-semaphore egg won't build on OS X: uses deprecated API assigned dleslie defect major someday
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.