Custom Query (9 matches)


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Status: closed (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1458 `make check` doesn't respect PROGRAM_SUFFIX/PROGRAM_PREFIX defect major 5.0.0 fixed
#1460 make check does not respect PROGRAM_PREFIX and PROGRAM_SUFFIX defect major 5.0.0 duplicate
#1479 On Windows, custom-build will try to use the UNIX script defect critical 5.0.0 fixed
#1484 Should csc-options be valid at the top level too? enhancement not urgent at all 5.0.0 fixed
#1554 C_COMPILER_OPTIMIZATIONS is ignored when building chicken-do defect minor 5.0.0rc4 fixed
#1552 chicken-install generates install scripts with "install -m 644" hardcoded defect major 5.0.0rc3 fixed
#1536 chicken-install includes the CHICKEN version twice in the path for scheme-include defect major 5.0.0rc2 worksforme
#1546 When using -no-install, dependencies should still be installed defect major 5.0.0rc2 fixed
#1511 Support for `files' form in the "toplevel" of egg description files enhancement major 5.0.0rc1 fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.