Custom Query (1630 matches)


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Results (34 - 36 of 1630)

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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#340 sjamaan fixed Spiffy hangs occasionally (again!)

There's a new problem that's cropped up. One of the Spiffies on was not accepting connections anymore (the one listening on HTTP). I checked with lsof, but it had open a normal number of file handles. The http socket was in state LISTEN.

I had to restart it, with no clue of what is going on. It had been running since 12 august, so 7 days.

#361 certainty felix winkelmann fixed sendfile broken for chickens >= 4.6.0

Sendfile invokes (##sys#fudge 16), which isn't available anymore, and calls ##sys#thread-block-for-timeout! with invalid fixnum timeout values.

#363 Kon Lovett Mario Domenech Goulart fixed moremacros 1.1.1 installed as 1.1.0

See moremacros/tags/1.1.1/moremacros.setup.

It breaks message-digest which requires 1.1.1 and all the eggs which depend on message-digest directly or indirectly like, sha1, sha2, bloom-filter, ugarit, qwiki, http-session, awful, ext-direct, dict, hashes, http-client, tiger-hash, ripemd among others.

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