Changes between Version 19 and Version 20 of Ticket #630

01/30/13 20:30:57 (12 years ago)

I've updated the master list with author annotations so we know who to contact.

I've removed a couple of eggs that had already been fixed:

  • logpro (Matthew Welland)
  • ripemd (Kon Lovett)
  • sha2 (Aaron D. Gifford and Daishi Kato)
  • string-utils (Kon Lovett)
  • tiger-hash (Kon Lovett)

Also some eggs that have custom hand-rolled scripts which correctly exit with a nonzero status on error:

  • bindings (Juergen Lorenz)
  • contracts (Juergen Lorenz)
  • expand-full (?, Kon Lovett)
  • packedobjects (John PT Moore)
  • sassy (Jonathan Kraut, this egg has a handful of tests that don't exit, but the majority do)
  • snowdigest (Felix Winkelmann)
  • srfi-25 (Jussi Piitulainen, Felix Winkelmann)
  • srfi-42 (Ivan Raikov)
  • tuples (Juergen Lorenz)


  • Ticket #630 – Description

    v19 v20  
    77I took a look at the last 20 lines of the run.scm files (or at the files they include/load) in the trunk dir for each egg (yeah, it's not exactly a pleasant work).  If you don't intend to make a new release of your egg(s) to fix bugs or to add new features soon, please consider making a new release just to fix the tests, so we can have a more accurate idea about the shape of the set of eggs.  Also consider that egg tests help to test the compiler too.
    9 bindings
    10 char-set-literals
    11 condition-utils
    12 contracts
    13 couchdb
    14 directory-utils
    15 discount
    16 dsssl-utils
    17 elliptic-curves
    18 err5rs-arithmetic
    19 expand-full
    20 fmt
    21 format
    22 kanren
    23 lazy-ffi
    24 list-utils
    25 logpro
    26 lookup-table
    27 macosx
    28 mailbox
    29 mathh
    30 modular-arithmetic
    31 mw-core
    32 mw
    33 netstring
    34 numspell
    35 openal
    36 operations
    37 packedobjects
    38 pandora
    39 procedure-decoration
    40 progress-indicators
    41 remote-mailbox
    42 ripemd
    43 sassy
    44 sexp-diff
    45 sha2
    46 snowdigest
    47 specialized-io
    48 srfi-101
    49 srfi-19
    50 srfi-25
    51 srfi-27
    52 srfi-42
    53 srfi-45
    54 stack
    55 statistics
    56 string-utils
    57 sxml-templates
    58 symbol-utils
    59 synch
    60 system
    61 tigher-hash
    62 tinyclos
    63 tuples
    64 uuid-ossp
    65 xosd
    66 yasos
    67 yelp
     9- char-set-literals (Moritz Heidkamp)
     10- condition-utils (Kon Lovett)
     11- couchdb (Moritz Heidkamp)
     12- discount (Stephen Eilert)
     13- dsssl-utils (Kon Lovett)
     14- elliptic-curves (Thomas Chust)
     15- err5rs-arithmetic (Kon Lovett)
     16- fmt (Alex Shinn)
     17- format (Felix Winkelmann, Kon Lovett)
     18- list-utils (Kon Lovett)
     19- lookup-table (Kon Lovett)
     20- macosx (Kon Lovett, unsure whether this can be automated)
     21- mailbox (Felix Winkelmann, Kon Lovett)
     22- mathh (Kon Lovett, John Cowan)
     23- modular-arithmetic (Thomas Chust)
     24- mw-core (Tony Sidaway. Uses testeez, which has no way to exit on failure?)
     25- mw-core (Tony Sidaway. Uses testeez, which has no way to exit on failure?)
     26- netstring (Moritz Heidkamp)
     27- numspell (Felix Winkelmann(?) uses testeez)
     28- operations (Felix Winkelmann)
     29- pandora (Thomas Chust)
     30- procedure-decoration (Kon Lovett)
     31- sexp-diff (Felix Winkelmann)
     32- specialized-io (Jeronimo Pellegrini)
     33- srfi-101 (Kon Lovett.  Note: replacing {{{system}}} with {{{system*}}} in {{{run.scm}}} is enough)
     34- srfi-19 (Kon Lovett. Note: {{{run-s19-tests}}} already returns number of failures)
     35- srfi-27 (Kon Lovett. Note: {{{system}}} -> {{{system*}}})
     36- srfi-45 (Kon Lovett)
     37- stack (Kon Lovett)
     38- statistics (Peter Lane. Uses srfi-78, which has no {{{test-exit}}} equivalent)
     39- sxml-templates (Moe Aboulkheir, Peter Danenberg)
     40- symbol-utils (Kon Lovett)
     41- synch (Kon Lovett)
     42- system (Felix Winkelmann)
     43- tinyclos (Felix Winkelmann.  Uses testeez and is deprecated)
     44- uuid-ossp (Kon Lovett. Note: meta-file says it needs testeez, but it uses test egg)
     45- yasos (Kenneth Dickey, Juergen Lorenz. Uses testeez)
     46- yelp (Derrell Piper)
     48The following eggs have tests that aren't really automated.  If they can't be automated or you don't feel like doing that, please remove your eggs from the list:
     50- kanren (Alex Shinn)
     51- lazyffi (Felix Winkelmann)
     52- openal (Felix Winkelmann)
     53- progress-indicators (Felix Winkelmann)
     54- remote-mailbox (Kon Lovett)
     55- xosd (Felix Winkelmann)