Custom Query (1630 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1787 fixed current-user-id setter from (chicken process-context posix) maybe needs some argument validation Christopher Brannon
#;2> (set! (current-user-id) "abracadabra")
#;3> (current-user-id)

This should fail with an error rather than setting the uid to a bogus value. Maybe the current-user-id setter could be made to take a string and do a uid lookup, but that's a discussion for another day.

#1786 fixed tabular errors out when specifying both column-names and return-names Ivan Raikov Vasilij Schneidermann

I'm trying out tabular as replacement for csv-abnf and found that it supports associating column names with rows. However if I specify both column-names (no matter whether it's set to the undocumented 'header option to automatically derive them from the first line or a list of strings to explicitly specify them) and return-names, I get an inscrutable backtrace:

(call-with-input-file "test.csv"
  (lambda (in)
    (let ((reader (csv:reader* in column-names: 'header return-names: #t)))
      (write (reader))
Error: (map) bad argument type - not a proper list: ""

        Call history:

        utf8-srfi-14.scm:101: iset#iset-contains?         
        utf8-srfi-14.scm:101: iset#iset-contains?         
        utf8-srfi-14.scm:101: iset#iset-contains?         
        utf8-srfi-14.scm:101: iset#iset-contains?         
        utf8-srfi-14.scm:101: iset#iset-contains?         
        utf8-srfi-14.scm:101: iset#iset-contains?         
        utf8-srfi-14.scm:101: iset#iset-contains?         
        utf8-srfi-14.scm:101: iset#iset-contains?         
        utf8-srfi-14.scm:101: iset#iset-contains?         
        utf8-srfi-14.scm:101: iset#iset-contains?         
        utf8-srfi-14.scm:101: iset#iset-contains?         
        utf8-srfi-14.scm:101: iset#iset-contains?         
        <eval>    (write (reader))
        <eval>    (reader)
        utf8-srfi-14.scm:101: iset#iset-contains?         
        utf8-srfi-14.scm:101: iset#iset-contains?               <--
#1785 fixed csc man page lists -static-libs but -static is the correct option tkurtbond

The csc man page lists -static-libs as the option for linking with static CHICKEN libraries and extensions, but -static is actually the correction option.

$ csc -version
(c) 2008-2020, The CHICKEN Team
(c) 2000-2007, Felix L. Winkelmann
Version 5.2.0 (rev 317468e4)
macosx-unix-clang-x86-64 [ 64bit dload ptables ]
$ csc -static-libs
csc: invalid option `-static-libs'
$ csc -static
csc: no source files specified

I've attached a patch.

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