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Results (7 - 9 of 1630)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1766 duplicate patch to port the netstring egg to CHICKEN 5 Moritz Heidkamp Christopher Brannon

I needed to be able to talk to something that speaks netstrings, so I ported the netstring egg to CHICKEN 5. The patch is attached.

#1209 fixed qrencode: installation failure acharlton Mario Domenech Goulart

Salmonella reports an installation failure for qrencode:

Since the documentation states it self-contained, I suppose the issue is not related to environment settings.

#839 fixed lzma egg uses deprecated null-pointer? procedure Alaric Snell-Pym sjamaan

This was found by Mario's scrutiny/specialization run of Salmonella, see

Attached is a patch that changes the check for null-pointer? to one for #f; c-pointer never returned null-pointer objects anyway, it has always returned #f for NULL pointers AFAIK so I guess this has always been a bug in this egg. While I was writing the patch I noticed an unneccessary begin inside a let (which always has an implicit begin), so I removed that. Then I saw I had a (let ((x ...)) (and x (let ((y ...)) ...))) pattern, which can be simplified to your favorite macro, and-let*. So here's a patch that does that! :)

PS: I wasn't able to test this because in pkgsrc, archivers/lzmalib conflicts with archivers/xz, which is used by graphics/tiff and www/links-gui; graphics/tiff is of course used by lots and lots of packages like print/ghostscript and even editors/emacs! Perhaps it's an idea to change your egg to use archivers/xz instead? It's clearly the more popular of the LZMA libraries...

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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