Custom Query (1630 matches)


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Results (76 - 78 of 1630)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1707 fixed procedural-macros: failure in tests juergen Mario Domenech Goulart

Tests of the procedural-macros egg started breaking on 2020-07-27 (see for the failures).

procedural-macros depends on bindings, which had a new version released in the day tests of procedural-macros started failing. Maybe the update of bindings broke procedural-macros.

#1706 fixed messages: failure in tests juergen Mario Domenech Goulart

Tests of the messages egg started breaking on 2020-07-27 (see for the failures).

messages depends on bindings, which had a new version released in the day tests of messages started failing. Maybe the update of bindings broke messages.

#1704 wontfix Make -O3 imply -d0 felix winkelmann

People unexperienced with CHICKEN repeatedly forget -d0 when benchmarking, so perhaps it would make sense to disable trace- and debug-info at optimization level 3, since obviously at the level the emphasis is on speed.

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