Custom Query (1630 matches)


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Results (67 - 69 of 1630)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1718 fixed srfi-69 egg hash-table-delete!/-merge!/remove! return type doesn't match SRFI-69 Kon Lovett

all 3 have non-void return values & -delete! has wrong return type

(per SRFI): Procedure: hash-table-delete! hash-table key → undefined (per .types): ... srfi-69#hash-table-delete! ((struct hash-table) *) boolean))

& the associated tests use the return value

#1717 fixed coops — slot-initialized? Idiomdrottning

Please change the last line of slot-initialized? to match

(define (slot-initialized? obj slotname)
  (let ((i (slot-lookup obj slotname 'slot-initialized?)))
    (if i
	(not (eq? (##sys#slot (coops-instance-slots obj) i) uninitialized))
#1715 fixed make -emit-inline-file always write a file alicemaz

presently, -emit-inline-file will not emit a file, and will delete one if it exists, if there are no exported procedures that can be inlined. this means in a pattern where you always emit for every -unit, and always consult for every -uses, compilation will halt if a file isn't found

it's a matter of opinion what the right thing to do here is, but I'm inclined to think a file should always be emitted if the flag is passed, even it's empty, because:

  • it's consistent with how -emit-types-file behaves
  • usage of the flag indicates user intent to create the file
  • "absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence"--the existence of an empty file is an affirmative statement there is nothing to inline

note the deletion/omission behavor was added on purpose in 2010, so this isn't accidental, but I'm not sure the reasoning

tested on platform=LINUX

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