Custom Query (1630 matches)


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Results (46 - 48 of 1630)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#515 fixed (string->symbol "|") generates illegal unreadable symbol | felix winkelmann Jim Ursetto

It generates | instead of the legal |\||.

#526 fixed enable parallel builds Jim Ursetto

Patch adds support for reliable parallel builds. At the least, it does not hurt normal builds.

#562 duplicate Chicken reader does not maintain quotes on |#:| felix winkelmann Jim Ursetto

string->symbol on |#:| works, but reading it does not. See comment below.

This causes node (chicken read-syntax #:) to be not properly indexed. It can be accessed directly but not via the index, because the index entry looks like (: (chicken read-syntax)) instead of (|#:| (chicken read-syntax)). Although it is written out correctly initially, once the index goes through a read/modify/write cycle (on a different symbol) the |#:| becomes #: and then eventually :.

Indirectly noticed by mario.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.