Custom Query (1630 matches)


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Results (43 - 45 of 1630)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#501 fixed sendfile 1.7.4 broken on OS X certainty Jim Ursetto

Attached patch fixes problem. I am unable to commit to sendfile trunk.

#502 fixed in spiffy, make tcp-addresses configurable sjamaan Jim Ursetto

spiffy has only one dependency on the core tcp unit -- tcp-addresses. Both the listen procedure and the accept procedure can be passed to start-server via keywords, but the procedure used to resolve the local and remote addresses from an input port cannot. By making tcp-addresses configurable in this manner, dirty and unscalable hack though it be, spiffy can be used with the tcp6 egg like so:

(use tcp6)
(start-server accept: tcp-accept listen: tcp-listen addresses: tcp-addresses)

Attached is one possible implementation. Interestingly, you could now remove the ssl-specific addresses code (essentially: (tcp-addresses (ssl-port->tcp-port p))) from spiffy and move it into, e.g. ssl-addresses in the openssl egg, but this is not really practical.

#505 fixed permit user-defined read-syntax to restart the reader Jim Ursetto Jim Ursetto

Currently, user-defined read-syntax must return a value to the reader; it cannot simply discard input completely. A proposed solution, derived from CL reader macros (see CLHS 2.2 no.4) allows a zero-value (values) return to reinvoke the reader in tail position, discarding any consumed input forever.

This change permits user implementation of line comments, block comments, s-expr comments, read-time feature testing, read-time evaluation, and more; all with the existing user API.

Though a zero-value return is admittedly ugly and inefficient -- one noted luminary has rightfully referred to it as a "festering CL pustule on the buttocks of Scheme" -- it has the advantages of being compatible with the current API and being virtually impossible to trigger accidentally.

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