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Results (40 - 42 of 1630)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1389 worksforme case-lambda expects 2 arguments ajmorgan

from the case-lambda documentation:

(define plus


(() 0) ((x) x) ((x y) (+ x y)) ((x y z) (+ (+ x y) z)) (args (apply + args))))

causes: => Error: (#f) "during expansion of (case-lambda ...) - bad argument count - received 5 but expected 2": (#<procedure (min a b)>)

#421 fixed #!optional arguments are not "evaluated in an environment in which all previous parameters have been bound." Alan Post

Chicken Scheme uses DSSSL style lambda lists, as an extension to standard scheme:

Optional parameters are permitted to have an initializer, and the documentation states:

"The corresponding <initializer> is evaluated in an environment in which all previous parameters have been bound."

I would expect the following to work (note that a1 is being bound to the value of a0):

(define (foo #!optional a0 (a1 a0))

(list a0 a1))

(foo) => (#f #f) (foo 0) => (0 0)

However, I instead get the following error:

Note: the following toplevel variables are referenced but unbound:

a0 (in def-a123)

I've attached a test case for #!optional parameters testing additional cases.

I'm running chicken scheme from git, commit cd19d7e077f0a6b53c3c804c972ec3738683e9ab.

My platform is OpenBSD 4.8-snapshot.

#423 fixed chicken-uninstall -s leaves unicode-char-sets in lib/chicken/5 Alex Shinn Alan Post

After uninstalling utf8 with the command:

chicken-uninstall -s utf8

The following files remain in lib/chicken/5: unicode-char-sets.setup-info

I would expect these files to be removed when the utf8 egg is removed.

I've seen this behavior on OpenBSD 4.8 and Debian 5.0.6.

I'm running chicken revision ce65dcc50b02d740a2a74ad1c5915acffff97170 from the experimental branch.

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