Custom Query (1630 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 1630)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#286 fixed utc-time->seconds is abysmally slow on OS X felix winkelmann Jim Ursetto

This could be an os problem but I thought I would document it for later use.

Here is my test:

$ time csi -R posix -R srfi-1 -e '
(time (for-each (lambda (x) 
         (utc-time->seconds (vector 0 0 4 1 0 70 4 0 #f 0)))
     (iota 10000)))'

Here is my Linux box results (3GHz athlon X4 940):

0.02s CPU time, 200815 mutations, 5/57 GCs
real    0m0.041s

Here is my Mac OS X 10.5 results (c2d intel processor, 2.16GHz):

17.789s CPU time, 0.006s GC time (major), 200815 mutations, 5/5 GCs (major/minor)
real    0m54.934s

Overhead for vector creation in the test is about 0.05s and does not materially affect total time.

Note that local-time->seconds instead doesn't have this problem though (again on OS X):

0.091s CPU time, 0.003s GC time (major), 111 mutations, 1/9 GCs (major/minor)
real    0m0.123s


#723 fixed using set-finalizer in this loop triggers a OOM panic / segfault felix winkelmann Christian Kellermann

This innocent looking program crashes:

(use lolevel)

(define (make-stuff)
  (let ((mem (allocate 100)))
    (set-finalizer! mem free)

(let lp ((i 0))
  (lp (add1 i)))

This has been confirmed by Peter on NetBSD, I have the situation that it works for me if I add a (print i) before (make-stuff). Peter cannot see the same behaviour on his machine.

I have tried 4.5.0 4.7.0 and master from last week. All show the same strange thing.

Am I misusing this? I stumbled upon it during some allocation in an egg for a FFI buffer...

#578 fixed use with import specifiers has no effect for internal modules on the top-level felix winkelmann Moritz Heidkamp

For example:

#;1> (use (prefix srfi-1 list-))
#;2> list-take

Error: unbound variable: list-take
#;2> (import (prefix srfi-1 list-))
#;3> list-take
#<procedure (f_1899 lis232 k233)>

use without import specifiers however acts like a plain import.

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