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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1174 fixed srfi-42: append-ec fails when apply limit is reached Ivan Raikov acharlton

Which causes simple operations like this to fail:

(append-ec (: i 10000)
           (list i i))

Attached is a patch that fixes this issue.

This issue is also present in string-append-ec, but a similar, reasonably efficient fix would involve adding a dependancy of some sort. Probably the easiest way would be to use srfi-13 and replace (apply string-append ...) with (string-concatenate ...)

#1297 duplicate variables defined inside closure survive beyond closure! ai-artisan


(require-extension r7rs)

(define r #t)

(define test (lambda ()

(if r


(set! r #f) (define v 123) (test) (display v) (newline)

) (begin

(define v 234)





;; output: 234

;; The question is: Each time a procedure or partial block (like "let") is called, a closure should be created. Variables defined inside a closure should have a limited scope inside the closure unless "call/cc" or "call-with-values" is used. In the case above, none of them is used but the variable "v" survives beyond its closure created by "test" the 2nd time.

;; Further more, I found that only when "begin" is used will this bug appear.

#1309 fixed CHICKEN allows misplaced internal defines, which live on outside the body ai-artisan

(require-extension r7rs)

(let ()

(define-record-type bug

(make-bug) bug?



(define b (make-bug)) (display (bug? b)) (newline)

;;output: #t

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