Custom Query (1630 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#345 wontfix utf8 regexp bug with underscores sjamaan Jim Ursetto

Only in utf8 mode, regexp seems to have a bug with negated charsets containing underscores in either POSIX REs or SREs. I'm not sure but I think any charset with one underscore and one or more other chars is affected.

Irregex has the same problem but only when called with option 'utf8.

I'm using chicken-experimental 4.5.8 without irregex 0.8, so perhaps this bug is fixed in irregex 0.8? I haven't checked. I know this occurs back to Chicken 4.5.0 at least.

#;> (use utf8)
#;> (regexp "[^_]")
#;> (regexp "[^a_b]")
Error: (cddr) bad argument type: ()
#;> (regexp "[^a_]")
Error: (cddr) bad argument type: ()
#;> (regexp "[^_a]")
Error: (cddr) bad argument type: ()
#;> (regexp '(~ #\_ #\a))
Error: (cddr) bad argument type: ()

#;> (irregex '(~ #\_ #\a))
#(*irregex-tag* ...)
#;> (irregex '(~ #\_ #\a) 'utf8)
Error: (cddr) bad argument type: ()

#415 fixed read-symbolic-link canonicalization of a non-link felix winkelmann Jim Ursetto

In "canonicalize" mode, read-symbolic-link resolves symlinks recursively until a non-link is returned. However, if you pass it a non-link to start, it will throw an error. In my opinion, it should treat this as a base case and return the non-link instead of throwing an error.

#479 fixed bind egg should support ___blob Jim Ursetto

bind supports ___byte_vector, which is deprecated. It should probably support ___blob in addition. I currently use ___byte_vector in sql-de-lite and would like to modernize that.

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