Custom Query (8 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1370 Build-dependencies between import libraries and core units don't seem to be completely right new defect minor 6.0.0
#1829 CHICKEN nixos package is incorrectly configured new defect major someday
#1836 Chicken doesn't build out of the box on recent macosx new defect major someday
#1749 Parallelize CHICKEN core tests new enhancement not urgent at all someday
#1813 Test w64devkit new task major someday
#1305 chmod of modules.db on new installation new defect major someday
#1168 make install: umask problem with modules.db new defect major someday
#776 shared lib link arguments in makefile are not transmitted to eggs new enhancement not urgent at all someday
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