Custom Query (9 matches)


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Status: closed (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1772 importing the same module over and over eats up more and more memory defect major 5.2.0 fixed
#1771 Except specificier in imports defect major fixed
#1757 Reexport behaving inconsistently defect major 5.2.0 fixed
#1756 module system segfaulting at O3 defect critical 5.2.0 fixed
#1727 chicken-install srfi-18 fails on Windows defect major 5.2.0 fixed
#1725 Chicken 5 accepts 2-argument log function, but the type database does not. defect major 5.2.0 fixed
#1690 Specializations using "and" (and/or other macros) don't work properly defect major 5.2.0 fixed
#1687 installation may produce *.defaults version mismatch defect minor 5.2.0 fixed
#1638 Signal handling and parameters defect major 5.1.0 fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.