1 | ;;; The Computer Language Benchmarks Game |
2 | ;;; http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/ |
3 | ;; |
4 | ;;; Derived from the Chicken Scheme variant by Anthony Borla |
5 | ;;; contributed by Matthew Flatt |
6 | ;; |
7 | ;; ... then ported back to CHICKEN by felix |
8 | |
9 | |
10 | (use extras) |
11 | |
12 | |
13 | (define +limit-sqr+ 4.0) |
14 | (define +iterations+ 50) |
15 | |
16 | ;; ------------------------------- |
17 | |
18 | (: mandelbrot (fixnum fixnum fixnum float -> fixnum)) |
19 | |
20 | (define (mandelbrot x y n ci) |
21 | (let ((cr (fp- (fp/ (fp* 2.0 (exact->inexact x)) (exact->inexact n)) 1.5))) |
22 | (let loop ((i 0) (zr 0.0) (zi 0.0)) |
23 | (if (> i +iterations+) |
24 | 1 |
25 | (cond |
26 | ((fp> (fp+ (fp* zr zr) (fp* zi zi)) +limit-sqr+) 0) |
27 | (else (loop (fx+ 1 i) |
28 | (fp+ (fp- (fp* zr zr) (fp* zi zi)) cr) |
29 | (fp+ (fp* 2.0 (fp* zr zi)) ci)))))))) |
30 | |
31 | ;; ------------------------------- |
32 | |
33 | (define (main n) |
34 | (let ((out (current-output-port))) |
35 | (fprintf out "P4\n~a ~a\n" n n) |
36 | (let loop-y ((y 0)) |
37 | (when (fx< y n) |
38 | (let ((ci (fp- (fp/ (fp* 2.0 (exact->inexact y)) (exact->inexact n)) 1.0))) |
39 | (let loop-x ((x 0) (bitnum 0) (byteacc 0)) |
40 | (if (fx< x n) |
41 | (let ((bitnum (fx+ 1 bitnum)) |
42 | (byteacc (+ (fxshl byteacc 1) |
43 | (mandelbrot x y n ci)))) |
44 | (cond |
45 | ((= bitnum 8) |
46 | (write-byte byteacc out) |
47 | (loop-x (fx+ 1 x) 0 0)) |
48 | (else (loop-x (fx+ 1 x) bitnum byteacc)))) |
49 | (begin |
50 | (when (positive? bitnum) |
51 | (write-byte (fxshl byteacc |
52 | (fx- 8 (fxand n #x7))) |
53 | out)) |
54 | (loop-y (fx+ y 1)))))))))) |
55 | |
56 | ;; ------------------------------- |
57 | |
58 | (time (main (string->number (car (command-line-arguments))))) |