Ticket #688: default-reason-phrases.patch
File default-reason-phrases.patch, 4.1 KB (added by , 13 years ago) |
933 933 (update-response 934 934 res 935 935 headers: (headers `((transfer-encoding chunked)))) 936 "foo" "1234567890"))))) 936 "foo" "1234567890")))) 937 (test-group "Reason phrase" 938 (let ((res (make-response major: 1 minor: 1))) 939 (test "is added implicitly for known codes when not set" 940 "HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict\r\n\r\ntest" 941 (test-write-response 942 (update-response res code: 409) 943 "test")) 944 (test-error "when not set an error is raised for unknown status codes" 945 (test-write-response 946 (update-response res code: 999) 947 "test")) 948 (test "unknown status can still be used when a reason is given" 949 "HTTP/1.1 999 No Way\r\n\r\ntest" 950 (test-write-response 951 (update-response res code: 999 reason: "No Way") 952 "test")) 953 (test "defaults can be parameterized" 954 "HTTP/1.1 999 Say What\r\n\r\ntest" 955 (parameterize ((http-status-codes (alist-cons 999 "Say What" (http-status-codes)))) 956 (test-write-response 957 (update-response res code: 999) 958 "test")))))) 937 959 938 960 (test-group "Etag comparison procedures" 939 961 (test-group "Weak comparison" -
61 61 write-response response-parsers response-unparsers read-response 62 62 http-0.9-response-parser http-1.x-response-parser 63 63 http-0.9-response-unparser http-1.x-response-unparser 64 http-status-codes 64 65 65 66 ;; http-header-parsers 66 67 header-contents header-values header-value header-params header-param … … 557 558 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 558 559 559 560 (defstruct response 560 (code 200) (reason "OK")(major 1) (minor 1) (headers (make-headers '())) port)561 (code 200) reason (major 1) (minor 1) (headers (make-headers '())) port) 561 562 563 (define http-status-codes 564 (make-parameter 565 `((100 . "Continue") 566 (101 . "Switching Protocols") 567 (200 . "OK") 568 (201 . "Created") 569 (202 . "Accepted") 570 (203 . "Non-Authoritative Information") 571 (204 . "No Content") 572 (205 . "Reset Content") 573 (206 . "Partial Content") 574 (300 . "Multiple Choices") 575 (301 . "Moved Permanently") 576 (302 . "Found") 577 (303 . "See Other") 578 (304 . "Not Modified") 579 (305 . "Use Proxy") 580 (307 . "Temporary Redirect") 581 (400 . "Bad Request") 582 (401 . "Unauthorized") 583 (402 . "Payment Required") 584 (403 . "Forbidden") 585 (404 . "Not Found") 586 (405 . "Method Not Allowed") 587 (406 . "Not Acceptable") 588 (407 . "Proxy Authentication Required") 589 (408 . "Request Time-out") 590 (409 . "Conflict") 591 (410 . "Gone") 592 (411 . "Length Required") 593 (412 . "Precondition Failed") 594 (413 . "Request Entity Too Large") 595 (414 . "Request-URI Too Large") 596 (415 . "Unsupported Media Type") 597 (416 . "Requested range not satisfiable") 598 (417 . "Expectation Failed") 599 (500 . "Internal Server Error") 600 (501 . "Not Implemented") 601 (502 . "Bad Gateway") 602 (503 . "Service Unavailable") 603 (504 . "Gateway Time-out") 604 (505 . "HTTP Version not supported")))) 605 562 606 (define (http-0.9-response-unparser response) 563 607 response) ;; The response-body will just follow 564 608 … … 568 612 (response-major response) 569 613 (response-minor response) 570 614 (response-code response) 571 (response-reason response))) 615 (or (response-reason response) 616 (alist-ref (response-code response) (http-status-codes)) 617 (signal-http-condition "Unknown status code" 'unknown-status-code 618 'code (response-code response))))) 572 619 573 620 (define (http-1.0-response-unparser response) 574 621 (and-let* (((= (response-major response) 1))