Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

#1048 closed defect

Cross compiled chicken-install is broken in Chicken 4.8.2 — at Initial Version

Reported by: Ivan Raikov Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: 4.9.0
Component: core tools Version: 4.8.x
Keywords: chicken-install Cc:
Estimated difficulty:


I have just tried to use chicken-install with Chicken 4.8.2 cross-compiled for x86_64 and SPARC in Linux, and it seems that there is a bug in the cross compilation code, beginning on line 599.

chicken-install copies the egg files from $EGGDIR/* to $TMPCOPY/*
and then tries to run the .setup file residing in $TMPCOPY/$EGGNAME
instead of $TMPCOPY. So either the files need to be copied to $TMPCOPY/$EGGNAME, or the path to the .setup file needs to be constructed twice, once for the host and a second time for target.

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