Custom Query (419 matches)


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Results (401 - 419 of 419)

1 2 3 4 5

Resolution: duplicate (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1242 salt (tests): missing file: vdp.sml Ivan Raikov defect major extensions 4.10.x
#1266 aes: installation failure Alaric Snell-Pym defect major extensions 4.10.x
#1297 variables defined inside closure survive beyond closure! change request not urgent at all core libraries 4.11.0
#1313 map/for-each sometimes misbehave in interpreted code defect major unknown 4.11.0
#1407 salt (tests): cannot open file - No such file or directory: "tests/vdp.sml" Ivan Raikov defect minor extensions 4.12.0
#1560 tcp6: missing dependency specification: srfi-1 Jim Ursetto defect major extensions 5.0.0
#1691 hash-table-delete! type boolean but per SRFI-69 doc should be void defect not urgent at all extensions 5.2.0
#1766 patch to port the netstring egg to CHICKEN 5 Moritz Heidkamp change request not urgent at all extensions 5.2.0

Resolution: worksforme (11 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#951 print-length-limit defect minor core libraries 4.8.x
#961 option quoting in csc is a complete mess defect major core tools 4.8.x
#1078 letrec* can be done as Chicken letrec defect major unknown 4.8.x
#1126 signal-diagram: installation failure: reference to possibly unbound identifier `sf' Ivan Raikov defect major extensions 4.9.x
#1164 posix-shm: Error: (car) bad argument type: "" when shm-test return #f Ivan Raikov defect major extensions 4.9.x
#1196 Static compilation doesn't respect $LIBDIR. defect major build system 4.9.x
#1389 case-lambda expects 2 arguments defect major unknown 4.12.0
#1463 (use foo) depends on rigid conventions that can and should be relaxed enhancement minor core libraries 5.0.0
#1712 Incorporate relevant env vars into build cachebusting, maybe enhancement not urgent at all unknown 5.2.0
#1765 enable-warnings time-travelling shenanigans defect not urgent at all unknown 5.2.0
#1791 format-date reports bad argument count Kon Lovett defect major unknown 5.2.0
1 2 3 4 5
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