Custom Query (1630 matches)


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Results (91 - 93 of 1630)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1687 fixed installation may produce *.defaults version mismatch felix winkelmann

When installing, "chicken-install -update-db" loads any existing setup.defaults file and will produce a version-mismatch error if the version differs in the newly installed chicken distribution. The loaded defaults file should probably be overridden in this case.

#1686 fixed egg install scripts don't have to rm before install Mario Domenech Goulart

Currently, chicken-install generates egg install scripts with the following pattern to install files:

rm -f ${DESTDIR}'<dest file>'
install -m 755 '<orig file>' ${DESTDIR}'<dest file>'

install already unlinks files before copying them, so the call to rm doesn't seem to be necessary.

#1684 fixed programs that specify component-dependencies should build-depend on their import libraries Mario Domenech Goulart

Here's an example:

In the example above, I was expecting foo-exec to build-depend on the import library of foo-lib.

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