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Results (85 - 87 of 1630)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1538 fixed Add egg component type for C code felix winkelmann felix winkelmann

Currently C code can only be integrated in eggs as part of Scheme files (e.g. by using foreign-include). It would make wrapping C code easier to have a separate component type for compiled C code.

Static linking makes this slightly complicated: the static extension may consist of more than one .o file, perhaps static libraries (.a/.lib) should be created, installed and linked to reduce the number of installed object modules.

#941 fixed Add option to process-fork to allow creating a subprocess with only the current thread sjamaan

It would be useful to have the option to call process-fork without having all the threads running in the new process (like in SCSH's fork procedure).

This will make it easy to fork off "worker" processes in multithreaded server processes without causing threads to write multiple copies of response data to all connected clients.

After discussion with Felix we came to the conclusion that this needs a hook in the scheduler to "promote" arbitrary threads to become the primordial thread, and to blow away all non-primordial threads. Including file descriptors and the I/O wait list, as well as the pending threads list etc.

When this is implemented, people can safely use the scsh-process egg's macros in spiffy, for example.

#10 fixed Add parameters to chicken.import.scm Alonso Andres

The parameters:

dynamic-load-libraries eval-handler repl-prompt

are not accessible within modules.

Add them to chicken.import.scm.

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