Custom Query (1630 matches)


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Results (64 - 66 of 1630)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#676 fixed bug in dict egg certainty felix winkelmann

There seems to be a typo in dict.scm:

 (define (parse-status-151 input)
    (let ((ws (string-index input #\space)))
      (unless ws (complain "Malformed status 151 response. Expected `word`" input))
      (let ((word (string-trim-both (string-take input ws) #\"))
            (ws2 (string-index input #\space (+ ws 1))))
        ;;      vv  should be ws2?
        (unless ws (complain "Malformed status 151 response. Expected `databasename`"  input))
        (let ((db (string-trim-both (string-take (string-drop input (+ ws 1)) (- ws2 (+ 1 ws))) #\"\
              (descr (string-trim-both (string-trim-both (string-drop input (+ 1 ws2)) #\space) #\"\
          (list word db descr)))))
#682 fixed sendfile egg has no trunk branch certainty Alan Post

I ran the following command-line:

chicken-install -sudo -trunk -location "$CHICKEN_EGG_REPOSITORY" -transport local sendfile

which produced the following error message:

retrieving ...

sendfile located at /opt/chicken-master/src/eggs/sendfile

Warning: extension `sendfile' has no .meta file - assuming it has no dependencies install order: ()

looking at the repository, sendfile has no trunk branch, but only release branches. Either sendfile needs to have a trunk branch or the bug in chicken-install needs to be fixed to hand an egg formatted like sendfile. I expected it to either complain about a missing trunk or install version 1.7.3 (the latest version).

#698 fixed missing export declaration for *default-output-spec* in log5scm certainty Moritz Heidkamp

*default-output-spec* is documented but not exported by log5scm.

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