Custom Query (1630 matches)


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Results (61 - 63 of 1630)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#73 fixed building an extension will prefer already installed eggs over currently built ones felix winkelmann

Building an extension may need to load extensions/.so's that have just been produced by the current installation process, but require'ing extensions will always look in the repository first (and possibly load an obsolete version, if the extension has been installed at an earlier point).

We should provide an option (csc + chicken) that forces the search/load order to look in the current directory first. Note that the correct order for normal use should stay repo-first, then current directory, or random files in the current directory may break applications. chicken-install should invoke csc with the extra option.

#74 fixed Incorrect regexp in call to string-substitute causes random error rather than specific error message Alex Shinn Don Allen

#;1> (string-substitute

"{12mp}" "TRUE" "{12mp}" #t)

Error: (car) bad argument type: ()

Call history:

<syntax> (string-substitute "{12mp}" "TRUE" "{12mp}" #t) <eval> (string-substitute "{12mp}" "TRUE" "{12mp}" #t) <--


The braces in the regexp are incorrect -- they needed backslashes -- but the resulting error is very unhelpful. The regexp is mal-formed, and the regexp compiler ought to say so.

#75 fixed "ref" foreign argument type does not work Jim Ursetto

Bug reported by Nicholas "Indy" Ray. "ref" foreign argument type results in illegal type error. Attached patch to c-backend should fix the problem.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.