Custom Query (1630 matches)


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Results (61 - 63 of 1630)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1050 worksforme chicken-install doesn't check that dependencies installed satisfy the version constraint in the (depends ...) clause andyjpb

The coops branch of the ssql egg depends on coops 1.93. However, the (currently) tagged coops is only 1.92.

When chicken-installing the coops branch of ssql, the user is invited to upgrade coops and, if accepted, coops is upgraded. The installation of ssql then proceeds but issuing chicken-status reveals that coops is only at 1.92.

#1078 worksforme letrec* can be done as Chicken letrec johnwcowan

Discussion on scheme-reports has clarified that implementing letrec sequentially (i.e. as letrec*), which is what Chicken does, is allowed by R7RS. Therefore, for R7RS compatibility, all that is needed is to expose letrec* as equivalent to letrec:

(define-syntax letrec*
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((letrec* bindings . body) (letrec bindings . body))))
#1126 worksforme signal-diagram: installation failure: reference to possibly unbound identifier `sf' Ivan Raikov Mario Domenech Goulart

See for the full error message

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