Custom Query (1630 matches)


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Results (55 - 57 of 1630)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#55 fixed Tests use egg repository from PREFIX felix winkelmann sjamaan

When running the testsuite, it will try to load system libraries from the egg repository at the PREFIX that was set during compilation.

This is the future location where Chicken will be installed. This means the tests will fail when running them prior to installation, and there's no Chicken at that location yet. Also, if there is a Chicken there, the tests will run with the new Chicken, but with libraries from the old Chicken, producing false results.

By adding export CHICKEN_REPOSITORY=${TEST_DIR}/.. to, this problem can be fixed.

#56 fixed "spotless" target doesn't remove all generated files. felix winkelmann sjamaan

setup-download.c,, setup-api.c, and chicken-boot are not removed when running "make spotless".

Also, anything in benchmarks and tests is not cleaned up.

#57 fixed Extended lambda list arguments are looked up in the wrong environment felix winkelmann sjamaan

When you have an extended lambda list (with DSSSL syntax) inside a module, the names in the non-extended part of the argument list are renamed in the syntax environment instead of the expansion environment.

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