Custom Query (1630 matches)


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Results (49 - 51 of 1630)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1794 duplicate (r7rs) syntax-rules doesn't allow combining ellipsis and dotted tail sjamaan

According to the R7RS spec, the following should match:

(define-syntax match-ellipsis-and-dotted-tail1
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ a ... . b)
     '(a ... b))))

(print (match-ellipsis-and-dotted-tail1 x y . z))

And this, too:

(define-syntax match-ellipsis-and-dotted-tail2
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ (a) ... . (b))
     '(a ... b))))

(print (match-ellipsis-and-dotted-tail2 (x) (y) z))

Both should print (x y z).

Might be nice to support this in the core syntax-rules, or if it's too tricky, we could just support it only in the R7RS egg.

#133 fixed (require 'id) may load executable "id" evhan Jim Ursetto

There is a problem with (require) that is admittedly rare. If you are in a directory: $ ls foo

attempting to (require 'foo) will load the "foo" executable instead of "". However, in the case below: $ ls foo

attempting to (require 'foo) correctly results in an error.

The reason is that ##sys#find-extension returns "foo" in both cases and then ##sys#load attempts to load the literal path before appending any .so or .scm extension. That works unless an executable is in the way. The root cause is that find-extension knows the exact path but doesn't pass that on to load.

Priority minor because this shouldn't affect installed extensions, just development files in the current directory.

#515 fixed (string->symbol "|") generates illegal unreadable symbol | felix winkelmann Jim Ursetto

It generates | instead of the legal |\||.

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