Custom Query (1630 matches)


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Results (46 - 48 of 1630)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#57 fixed Extended lambda list arguments are looked up in the wrong environment felix winkelmann sjamaan

When you have an extended lambda list (with DSSSL syntax) inside a module, the names in the non-extended part of the argument list are renamed in the syntax environment instead of the expansion environment.

#58 fixed Local definition of fold overwrites srfi-1 definition felix winkelmann Ivan Raikov

The ssax library uses its own internal definition of fold, which is not exported by the module. However, programs that load both srfi-1 and ssax, end up using the ssax definition. The attached test file fails to call fold from srfi-1 when ssax is loaded, but succeeds and ssax is not loaded.

#60 fixed reactivate SONAME felix winkelmann felix winkelmann

Some packaging systems prefer libraries with SONAME set, so support for it should be added.

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