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Results (40 - 42 of 1630)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#709 worksforme Development process problem: the self-dependency loop in the compiler is too tight johnwcowan

Today I tried to recompile the current head after a make confclean, and found that my copy of chicken dating from 2011-09-21 (11 days old) was unable to compile it, because it did not understand the specialization type input-port. It's reasonable to add a new specialization type. It's not reasonable to change the source to depend on it at the same time. Now I'm stuck: until there is a new release tarball from which I can get an up-to-date chicken, I can't rebuild my system.

I see several possibilities here.

  1. Use a new branch for fast-changing but un-bypassable features like specialization. I am basically in favor of doing all development on trunk, but because Chicken builds depend so delicately on Chicken builds, some concessions may have to be made.
  1. Have a switch to disable optimizations like this -- I tried setting optimize-level to 0 in defaults.make, but it didn't help.
  1. As a matter of social engineering, make sure to bump the minimal version number every time a backward incompatibility like this happens, and issue a release tarball. At present the latest tarball is 4.7.2, so old as to be useless with trunk.
#714 worksforme Bus error on sparc64 running OpenBSD Mario Domenech Goulart
$ ~/chickens/4.7.2/bin/csi                        
[panic] `##sys#error-hook' is not defined - the `library' unit was probably not linked with this executable - execution terminated
$ gdb ~/chickens/4.7.2/bin/csi
GNU gdb 6.3
Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.
Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "sparc64-unknown-openbsd4.6"...
(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/bunny351/chickens/4.7.2/bin/csi 

Program received signal SIGBUS, Bus error.
0x0000000050939e28 in f_7560 (c=4, t0=0, t1=1162484112) at expand.c:8844
8844    t5=C_a_i_list(&a,4,((C_word*)((C_word*)t0)[8])[1],((C_word*)((C_word*)t0)[7])[1],((C_word*)t0)[6],t4);

This is on

ssh -i .ssh/gcc-compile-farm -p 9204

The sources are in ~/chicken-4.7.2. I used

gmake PLATFORM=bsd PREFIX=/home/bunny351/chickens/4.7.2 DEBUGBUILD=1 HACKED_APPLY=0 install

to build chicken

#726 worksforme produces "500 Internal Server Error". sjamaan andyjpb

I got "500 Internal Server Error" from when trying to add a new page ( The page appeared to be created anyway but subsequent requests for the "history" link resulted in the same error.

Peter removed the file and noted that it was unversioned.

It was postulated that the error was triggered through previewing the new page before submitting it for creation.

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