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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#804 duplicate #i and #e don't work correctly in the numbers egg johnwcowan

#e1e400 currently returns +inf.0 rather than exact 10400.

#e2.3 currently returns 2.3 rather than 23/10

#i1/2 currently returns 1/2 instead of 0.5

#e+inf.0 currently returns +inf.0 instead of reporting an error

No warnings should be printed.

A reasonable strategy is to look for #i and #e, and failing that, look for . and e. That determines which converter should be used, the exact-arithmetic one or the inexact-arithmetic one. Other than infinities and NaNs?, both converters should accept the same input and do the right thing with it.

#440 invalid 'Error: stack overflow' error in unexpected situation Alan Post

This ticket is a follow-up to the email thread I posted about this issue.

I'm running chicken 2bb09388cff32b7ecb49f39df0692e2d4db7a0bf (silly link case problems, tiring) from the experimental branch. I'm on OpenBSD 4.8 running in a VMWare virtual machine.

This bug refers to the genturfa'i egg.

For this bug, please check out r21827 from the egg repository, apply the patches attached to this e-mail, and build the egg:

svn co -r21827
cd trunk
patch -p1 < patch-conf    # enable full debugging
patch -p1 < patch-memoize # the do-nothing memoizer
chicken-install -s

Run the genturfahi command-line program after installing the egg:

$ genturfahi

Error: stack overflow

        Call history:

        nunjavni.scm:176: nunjavni-*      
        nunjavni.scm:140: venunjmina-rodanunvalsi         
        morji.scm:47: hash-table-exists?          
        bootstrap.scm:369: genturfahi#morji-nunjavni-valsi        
        morji.scm:47: hash-table-exists?          
        morji.scm:48: hash-table-set!     
        bootstrap.scm:366: genturfahi#morji-nunjavni-je   
        nunjavni.scm:245: venunjmina-rodanunvalsi         
        nunjavni.scm:247: filter          
        morji.scm:47: hash-table-exists?                <--

This error is happening while genturfahi is initializing, the most outward relevant line being bootstrap.scm:366.

If you comment out morji.scm:47 and morji.scm:48, run chicken-install -s, the program will run without producing any output (which is expected.)

I would expect to be able to leave morji.scm:47 and morji.scm:48 uncommented in the code and run genturfahi without generating a stack overflow error.

This problem *also* exists when running the code from csi, without compiling it:

# This command may give an error if csi is an alias that includes
# command-line arguments, as in: alias csi='csi -quiet'.  Run csi 
# without command-line arguments.
$ csi chicken-csi.scm

Error: stack overflow

        Call history:

        <eval>    [morji-nunjavni] (not (hash-table-exists? morji sumti))
        <eval>    [morji-nunjavni] (hash-table-exists? morji sumti)
        <eval>    [morji-nunjavni] (hash-table-set! morji sumti javni)
        <eval>    [morji-nunjavni] (apply nunjavni sumti)
        <eval>    [nunjavni-+] (##sys#get-keyword (quote cmene:) tmp268)
        <eval>    [nunjavni-+] (nunjavni-* javni cmene: cmene)
        <eval>    [nunjavni-*] (##sys#get-keyword (quote cmene:) tmp241)
        <eval>    [nunjavni-*] (venunjmina-rodanunvalsi cmene)
        <eval>    [morji-nunjavni] (not (hash-table-exists? morji sumti))
        <eval>    [morji-nunjavni] (hash-table-exists? morji sumti)     <--

This error also goes away if you comment out morji.scm:47 and morji.scm:48.

#539 wontfix 'cancel' button on wiki edit page John Foerch

The edit form on the wiki has buttons to submit and preview. It would be nice to have 'cancel' as well.

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