Custom Query (13 matches)


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Status: closed (13 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1665 Inlining issue defect major 5.1.0 fixed
#1662 Error in generated C for invalid call to rest_arg_out_of_bounds_error sjamaan defect critical 5.1.0 fixed
#1658 One bug left with rest-argument optimizations defect major 5.1.0 fixed
#1648 Inliner goes wrong felix winkelmann defect major 5.1.0 fixed
#1630 Optimizer sometimes incorrectly drops procedure arguments defect major 5.1.0 fixed
#1626 +inf.0 inserted literally into C code in some situations with -O3 and above defect major 5.1.0 fixed
#1624 Flonum unboxing too agressive defect critical 5.1.0 fixed
#1623 Avoid consing for optional procedure arguments sjamaan enhancement minor 5.0.0 fixed
#1620 Some let bindings are not replaced resulting in unnecessary CPS calls defect major 5.0.0 fixed
#1586 Context-switch from GC causes infinite GC loop defect major 5.0.0 fixed
#1548 Extra modules leak into environment when using -j defect major 5.0.0 fixed
#1470 Should -analyze-only imply -specialize? task minor 4.13.0 fixed
#1346 define-external variables can't be exported felix winkelmann defect major 4.12.0 fixed
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